
The CBSE Class 12 Exam-oriented study materials access plan provides students with comprehensive study materials for CBSE Class 12 Computer Science. In addition to the study materials, the plan also includes two FREE sessions of CS: ASK ME ANYTHING, where students can participate in live doubt-solving sessions.

About the Teacher:
Kajal Mehta, the teacher for this plan, is a highly experienced entrepreneur and computer science educator specializing in secondary and higher secondary education. With more than two decades of expertise in the field, she has developed a deep understanding of imparting knowledge in the realm of computer science. Kajal is known for her dynamic and driven persona, driven by her unwavering passion for teaching and her commitment to providing exceptional educational experiences.

The curriculum for the CBSE Class 12 Exam-oriented study materials access plan covers various topics that are essential for the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science exam. The study materials include Kwick Notes, Kwick Assignments, and Kwick Solutions. Here are the chapters covered in the curriculum: CHAPTER 1: REVIEW OF PYTHON – I CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF PYTHON – II CHAPTER 3: WORKING WITH FUNCTIONS CHAPTER 4: USING PYTHON LIBRARIES CHAPTER 5: FILE HANDLING CHAPTER 6: RECURSION CHAPTER 7: DATA STRUCTURES – I CHAPTER 8: DATA STRUCTURES – II CHAPTER 9: COMPUTER NETWORKS – I CHAPTER 10: COMPUTER NETWORKS – II CHAPTER 11: MySQL: SQL REVISION TOUR CHAPTER 12: MORE ON SQL CHAPTER 13: INTERFACE PYTHON WITH MySQL

Course Instructor

Kajal Mehta is a seasoned entrepreneur and an esteemed computer science educator specialized in secondary and higher secondary education. With over two decades of invaluable experience in the field, she has honed her expertise in imparting knowledge in the realm of computer science. Kajal exudes a dynamic and driven persona, fueled by her unwavering passion for teaching students and her unwavering commitment to providing exceptional educational experiences.

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